Friday, December 7, 2012

If your a good parent and you know it...clap your hands!

          Long and exhausting day. I am going to attempt to write this from my iPad and see if I can adjust to this touch screen typing business. Weird change but slowly getting the hang of it. I did set the old laptop on my lap today that I can't unplug from a bad battery in an attempt to blog, but the chance quickly left.

          Phillip was sick all day today and mama started to feel the same way. It didn't hit nearly as hard as it did him, thank goodness, and I know today his little body just feels broken from all of the stomach upset. I discovered something through all of this and I needed to see it clearly to give my family a break from my own frustration level.

          We had a violently ill three year old on our hands that can not communicate how he feels with words. There was no, "my tummy hurts" or "my head hurts", although I think everything was hurting him by 2am. I quickly realized everyone was worried about him but tried very hard to stay out of the way. Yes, this could have a lot to do with the projectile vomit (small giggle) but even when that faze left us everyone stayed away. I saw a family who had no idea how to help him without knowing how he felt, what he wanted, what to do other throw in a towel, literally. With all that I also saw a family who was confident mom would take care of things. A security in me being covered in vomit and still having my arms wrapped around one of the reasons I was put on this planet. The other two reasons went in there rooms and closed the door. A wise choice by the way.

           Am I bragging my mom skills up a bit? Yes I am and as parents that is totally OK to do and necessary sometimes to get us through these days that can run us ragged. We are judged so often in every direction and these days you don't have to have an autistic child to be judged that's for sure. Everywhere we turn we are told how to do this parenting gig and I don't think enough parents are just are one awesome mom or dad, even when you have no clue what you are doing! So tonight I want to say to all of you parents who are struggling through the day or maybe today was a breeze, you are awesome. No matter what judgement comes your way you might just be the security for your family that works perfectly no matter how you are doing it.

           If you are striving for the best, consider you might already be there so sit back take a deep breath and give yourself the credit you deserve. Just in case no one else has lately and speaking from experience, it helps to feast on some fresh baked snicker doodles while you are giving yourself a pat on the back..instant fresh baked because I am a mom, not Martha Stewart.

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