Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Guns, Government, Mental Health, Video games! huh?

                I stayed up late last night watching CNN even though late last night I said I wasn’t going to do that anymore so I could clear my mind. In the madness of our country right now and America has been mad for a while now I think we can establish one thing….we are so divided, so ignorant, so misinformed, so stubborn, so blind, and so sick in general there may not be an answer or resolve to the mess we have created.

                I have watched autism, guns, mental health, video games, government, and even white supremacy blamed for the violence happening in our country. Some of which could play a role and some of which surely have not.

                If we all sat back and really thought about how our society has changed in the past twenty years I think we could actually outline how it all went wrong. We have become a desensitized and no one did it to us, we did it to ourselves. We have all seen it happening right in front of our faces and in our homes as time has passed. Your child can’t communicate with people face to face because texting is easier and most kids will actually tell you that these days. Video games are horribly violent and yes kids need to understand these are make believe forms of entertainment but we have seen kids get so attached to this entertainment reality becomes distant. Small kids plugged into violence because some parents find it easier to plug them in than to raise them. TV used to be free of extreme violence on our basic channels and over time the bar has been pushed. Each time creating a window to push the bar just a little more. Until sitting down with your kids to watch TV or a rented movie is like taking a risk against your morals and you know you’re going to lose. These things are totally normal to kids these days by the way.

                We have a right to bear arms but we don’t care who has them. Doesn’t matter if a person’s mind is healthy or not, money grants the right to own. Other then felons or domestic violence offenders who we all know still bear arms because there is no way to stop them. We can instill gun control but enforcing it would be nearly impossible at this point. Unless every household is emptied of military style assault weapons and then we have the guns that are on the streets illegally, which we already have not been able to stop. Already against the law and already out of control.

                Mental health is certainly at a crisis and we could say that began the moment the first anti-depressant pill, ADHD pill, Anxiety pill, and every other fix me now pill was prescribed. It’s as easy as saying your sad to the doctor and POOF….a smile in a bottle is placed in our hands, no matter what changes in our personal lives may need to be addressed. Pain killers are passed out like candy and America is eating them at an alarming rate. All of these things change the chemistry of our minds.

                The internet and yes I do know the irony of blogging and blasting the internet at the same time, there is no limit on what people can see or seek out. It’s an open door to every kind of scum on earth to find victims at their disposal. Child predators just have to log on and pick one and even though we try to teach safety we all know our kids are never 100% safe online. People type things to each other they probably would never say face to face because seeing someone in person hopefully inspires some kind of human connection and empathy but words on a screen mean nothing when it comes to someone’s personal value. We also see the violence some kids are being subjected to by their own parents and recorded with a cell phone. It was just last week I saw on the news a parent who drove their daughter to a bus stop to beat up another girl and recorded it, rooting her on during the assault. We see bullies attacking victims and then when the victim is forced to fight back we root them on, with no thought as to who is recording the event with no action as long as we get to see it. We see this all the time and we watch it because it’s become a sick form of entertainment for so many.

 We have become out of control because we have slowly allowed ourselves to lose control to the boiling point. Only now we are mad and want something done as long as we aren’t told what we can or can’t do. We want to point the finger at whatever we can to find reason for the madness and everyone is pointing in a different direction. Guns, Government, media, and the list of things to blame go on and on with everyone shouting a different issue at each other.

When all of this began the first thing I heard on the news was “autism lacks empathy for others” and that statement was mind blowing to me considering a good percentage of our young society couldn’t define the word empathy if asked to. We have lost it and still during a time we all know we are in trouble we still can’t seem to grasp compromise and empathy towards each other to fight for the morals, standards, and safety we all want in our daily lives.

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