Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Powers Out....Thank God.

                We are way too plugged in and yes I am sitting at my laptop getting ready to make a technology speech. Our power went out last night for a few hours and at first I felt a little frustrated with the situation. Then it just got so quiet and real I started to enjoy it a bit. All three of my kids where sitting in the living room with me and nothing to do but talk and laugh. No TV, computer, phone etc…just each other and some not so great flash lights. After a while I started think I should flip the main breaker every once in a while just to clear the chaotic technology smog we are all living in and bring us all together with nothing to do but entertain each other.

                Have we become a society so reliant on technology we have forgotten how to rely on each other? Have we given technology so much power to educate, that people are forgetting how to do it themselves. We have smart phones, smart cars, smart this and smart that but what the world is running out of smart people. Kids would rather text than talk and our cars tell us what to do. Don’t get me wrong if it wasn’t for technology I wouldn’t be able to blast my babble to whole free world but when is the time to step back and get our humanity back.

                Man is so hell bent on advancing that sometimes it seems we have advanced ourselves into giving our advancements total control over us. Along the way humanity is being drained out of our society along with the ability to think. What can we expect when we leave all of our thinking up to technology which has no feeling or empathy. Soon we become more like it and forget how to be human ourselves. A scary thought when you really sit back and think about it. Trust me…I do this a lot.

                I pads are in big demand for people with autism and it really is changing lives for some who could never and may never speak. My son has the ability to speak and will with time. I thank God for that and with patience it will come. Do I want an I pad for him? Sometimes I do in all honesty but other times I am reluctant to allow him to be so attached to technology he isn’t able to learn humanity and empathy. I will use technology to help him no doubt about that but I don’t want to see any of my children become so reliant on it they forget what being human consists of. Something you can never find on the internet, get from a smart phone, find in an Xbox, or download. Empathy, care, communication, and the ability to think. 

                At the end of the day I think we all need to push through a power outage from time to time or just go flip and main breaker and remember what it is like to need each other. Take the time to just shut it all off and focus on each other. After spending a few hours in the dark with three awesome kids and a couple of barely working flashlights...I could go for a power outage at least once a week! Or more;)

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