Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Even Science needs a little faith



                Couple of articles that caught my eye this morning and one I have already shared on my Facebook page. I am just a stay home mom with a little mystery running around my house but that mystery keeps me thinking, even if I don’t have the energy to think for one more second.

                Just some food for thought today and not everyone agrees with each other when it comes to autism and we all know one case is never the same the same as the next. The vaccine debate is always there and lately seems to be gaining some strength but then we have the Autism Speaks article that clearly states DNA is being modified. It doesn’t state even a hint as to how DNA is being altered but could it be there is a connection in these articles?

                If DNA is changing and many things could be causing that, GMO comes to mind for me, which has been outlawed in many countries but our government is too invested in GMO to allow that here. DNA changes and apparently at an alarming speed, then other parts of the body are altered but we have no knowledge of it. Then we throw some vaccines in play and what we could end up with a body that is confused and fighting back and fighting things it doesn’t recognize. The immune system that is already altered goes into hyper drive and crashes.

                Vaccines can be declared safe because in a typical body that has not been affected by this DNA change or other organ differences the vaccines are safe.  The greater population is going to process things as expected but then you have that piece of the puzzle so to speak that does not react the same way. There is no question autism is on the rise and continues to be on the rise. Some say it’s a better understanding in the medical community but as a parent of autism and knowing the difference first hand, that doesn’t fly so much with me. If you live with autism you know it’s unmistakable.

                I think one day the connection between modified DNA, organ structure, and the way a vaccine is processed is all going to come to light. Of course it will take someone brave enough to study the connections, prove it, and challenge the powers that be. Until then school yourself on these elements that really do effect all of us in the long run if not right now.  When you are bombarded with autism cause, even if you don’t want to be, it soaks in and you want to know more. I have heard some of the most ridiculous things from people about autism and I was once even told two smart people are the genetic trigger. One that to this day makes me laugh but there is no doubt a science to autism that hasn’t been figure out yet.

                My son will get through life just fine and he will have challenges but I read so many stories of children who are not fine and their challenges are debilitating for families. We hear all the time that saying “until all the pieces fit” and maybe those pieces aren’t all in the same place. Science has the power to find them and put them together and I pray for that to happen one day because even science needs a little faith to find answers to a mystery.


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