Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Have you tried a holistic cure?

                This morning I came across again a post on healing autism to the point you can’t even tell the child had a diagnosis. First of all I hate these articles for lack of classier way to describe my feeling towards this. Second of all there was no description to the approach taken to “fix” this child’s autism and so many times I come across this kind of thing. A shout out that autism can be cured and there is hope for your children and every time details fail to appear. This time I just simply had to ask, what is the answer? If someone is going to spend so much time trying to convince the world that an answer is there then why not share it so we can all get in on this plan of action to “save” our children. The answer was vague as I expected and simple. Holistic and that would be treating the mind and body as a system naturally. Something we should all practice in our daily lives because we know it’s connected one way or another. Even without a diagnosis in hand for anything holistic is a good way to live.

                Whenever I see this holistic declaration I think about all the physical problems people are enduring with an autistic child and yes it makes sense. Some of these never ending problems are no doubt caused by something in the system that needs to be addressed if possible. Then I look at my son and I get a bit baffled. You see Phillip is extremely healthy. When I say extremely I mean it and even I am a bit blown away by his ability to heal and stay healthy. He falls down hits his head, rarely by the way because his balance is impeccable, and he heals from it faster than I have ever seen. He actually has not one physical side affect of autism, if that is what all of these ailments truly are. I have two kids in school and they bring home illness. Phillip never catches it and I can say only one time has he had a fever that raised concern. A stomach flu that caused him to vomit one time and dehydrated him so no he isn’t bionic but aside from autism his is perfectly healthy. That’s if you see autism as a health issue instead of a neurological difference.

                Are all of these holistic claims of treatment really curing autism? Or are they addressing things within a child’s system that are causing physical problems and sometimes extreme physical problems. Could it be once these things are addressed the autism is still there but the relief opens doors to progress for a child. I know when my son is uncomfortable with his bowels he seems to be much more in his own world. Difficult to get through to and his focus is clearly on his discomfort. Once he has found relief we get him back so to speak but he still autistic. Being free of pain gives him the ability to focus more and communicate easier with the people around him.

                It seems like in the medical community the autism is the main focus. Address the autism and just assume the discomforts come from that. I tend to think and my opinion means nothing, this is a backwards approach.  It is proven autism is genetic even going as far as being able to tell if your child has this genetic factor. For me personally I would never put my faith in a cure or treatment for this difference. Telling parents they can eradicate autism creates a big black cloud over a parents head and causes them to think they just aren’t doing enough. Most parents of an autistic child already feel this way from the day they receive a diagnosis so convincing them if they do more they can fix it, is just a toxic message to send. Guidance for sure, belief that you’re doing everything you already can also for sure. Holistic is a great thing for anyone if you are disciplined enough to do it but acceptance is one very healthy step towards understanding.

 If anyone ever tells you autism can be “fixed” hand them a pen and paper and ask them to please write down step by step instructions for this plan of action. Or you could probably get online and buy a rash of eBooks with the same claim for one hundred dollars or more. Make sure you ask for a money back guarantee because you’re going to need it.

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