The worlds gone mad or at least the people in it have. We
could say it’s been going mad for some time and now it is starting to
boil over. I don’t watch the news daily like I used to because it’s
depressing and to be honest makes me never want to leave my house.
On that
note here is what I want, and I know others feel the same way. Simple break
down of what I would like to wake up to tomorrow and I know I am a dreamer. I
want to turn on the news and see back to back inspiring stories of people doing
awesome things. I want to know my kids are going to school and will come home with
a quality education by high paid quality teachers. I want the teachers to know
I will raise my children and all you have to do is educate them. I want less
money in prisons and more money into our children’s future and less kids on the
free lunch program because parents can afford to feed them healthy meals. I
want people to feel the system is a way to build life up and a not a way to stay down. Getting off of it should be the goal and actually working towards it.
I want
to see our president on TV and feel secure when I see his or her face. I don’t
want to hear remarks about the color of skin because no one cared when a white
man was in office. I don’t care if Papa Smurf is our leader as long as I feel
respect and trust when I hear is voice, which I actually do feel respect when I hear Papa
Smurf talk. No one cares he is a little blue man because he is wise.
I want
wars to stop being fought for reasons most people don’t understand and soldiers
to be respected for being the kind of people who will risk going to war in the
first place. I want politically correct to be thrown out the damn window because
the only way to be politically correct is to not speak anymore. I want unknown
cancer causing ingredients taken out of our food because there is no point in
finding a cure if we don’t address the cause but I also want a cure. I want to
go to the doctor and for a simple reason and not be charged an obscene amount of
money. Four hundred dollars to take my blood makes me have to choose between
getting my kidneys checked and then having to sell one to pay to bill. I also don't want health care that takes my choices away so if I had to choose between a high priced choice and a dictated free service, I would pay the price.
I want
to gas up my car for under what I have been paying because once I put gas in I may not
be able to go anywhere. I want to go in to pay for my gas and get smiles from
the person working without having to try and force one out of them because even
if your job sucks at least you have one. I want shelves at eye level with my
child to full of organic fruit or healthy snacks instead of five hour energy
and junk no one should be eating because profit is killing people by way of our food supply.
I want Alcatraz to be up and running for
child molesters to have a neighborhood they are actually welcome in forever. If
we have to build more concrete islands surrounded by sharks to hold them, fine,
that's a tax we all can agree on. No internet, no TV, no recreation hour, nothing but concrete walls and fed the same crap our kids have been served in schools. It is pretty comparable to prison food if not worse.
I want
to believe in God without being told I am delusional and say it without
offending someone who doesn’t believe the same thing I do.
This is
a blog about autism so I need to go there as well. I want my son to be autistic
without media talking about it like it’s a life sentence. I want people who
fear it to understand it and know my boy is just that. A boy who is not like any
other but still a boy who plays in the dirt, smiles, laughs, and feels like all
of us do. I want people to come together when it comes to autism and fight for
education systems we all feel good about. I want people to stop trying to find
things to blame and move forward. If there is blame it will be found eventually
but I think some people really do see autism as a genetic trait not a disease
to fear. I want to be able to talk about autism and tell someone I had my child
vaccinated because I felt it was right and not be looked at as though I made a bad
decision. If you vaccinate or don’t vaccinate, either way your goal is
protect your child. Judgment isn’t necessary. Most of all I want people on the
outside looking in to see my son the way I do. A child with a difference who needs what everybody else on earth wants....understanding.
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