Thursday, September 27, 2012

Try to be positive! Just in case...

                How do we deal with negatives that come pouring over us in life? We all get them and sometimes they are so overwhelming it feels like the negative won’t ever let us go. You would think if your child is diagnosed with autism that would be a negative you can’t get over but it’s not. I see it when I tell someone my son has autism and they jump quickly to think I am sad over this difference but I am not. The fact is I am intrigued by his difference and I love learning about it from someone who can offer me tons of knowledge, my own son.

                I have experienced some negatives in life and many of them I could have let take hold and never let go. This is not a way to live your daily life and your mental health depends on being able to get through knowing it’s temporary. Autism is not temporary no matter who says they can cure it but is also not a negative in our lives. Autism is just something given to my son and it’s my job to raise him at a level we can both be proud of. I see the autism my son has as a permanent situation with a positive future. Basically because I refuse to believe he will have anything less than that and I want him to feel the same way, even when things get difficult. That is not saying we don’t have some very hard days but the day ends and new one begins.

                We all know someone who never gets away from the negative hold that has grabbed them like a set of vice grips and they don’t realize they are stuck in their own misery. Hard things happen in life everyday to everyone, which is part of the adventure of being alive. It’s not a good feeling but it’s also not going to last forever unless you let it. Now there are some people in this world who don’t have any comforts and life really will never get better but most of us are doing ok in the big picture of things. Maybe I have unique outlook to thinks but the hardships are what gave me that outlook on life.

                Divorce is hard and painful but you get through it then you may end up in a custody battle that only hurts children. In fact I put custody battles pretty high up on the negativity rank for most deadly to the people you love the most. Break ups are no fun but sometimes the end gives you a glimpse at what life could have been and it’s a not a pretty picture. Loss of a job is hard but loss leads go gain so keep trying! I could go on and on with examples of things people allow to take hold forever but hopefully you get the idea and I am sure you can think of some things in your own life that had hold of you for way to long.

                Autism is a different way of thinking and truly a different view of the world in general. Our children still need to be taught to push on without constant blame. It is so easy to get lost in the negatives that are connected to autism. I know because I felt myself going there and I didn’t like it at all. Even if our children struggle we have to teach them the positives the difference gives them and the gifts they have as individuals in this world. They learn from us and how we react to life or even how we react to an autistic challenge. When you reach one of those challenges think very hard about your reaction and what you might be teaching your child along the way. Maybe they aren’t speaking or maybe they don’t appear to be paying attention but the information that I know my child is consuming all around him is not immune to people. The words they say and the actions they take are being filled in his mind even if he doesn’t show it at the time. In fact his ability to consume information is a bit intimidating. I am not talking about flash cards or the alphabet because I know these are boring to him. I am talking about things we don’t even see like the way a flag flies in the wind. The way the wheels turn on cars or bikes or the way the veins in a leaf look when you hold it up to the sun.

                I for one refuse to believe a child who is taking in so much detail in the world around him isn’t paying attention to the reaction of the people around him. We really don’t know for sure like every else about autism but no matter what challenges in life come your way, try to face it as temporary and better things are always ahead. Even if you really don’t think your reaction matters, do yourself and the people around you a favor and try to take a positive approach….just in case.


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