Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The autism no one reports in the media.


                I have such distain for this article I didn’t even finish reading it. Here is why I take issue with this and it’s not just about Mary Jane treatment being pushed on parents of autism. My first cringe was the statement “autistic kids don’t play with toys.” YES they do, and people need to remember a statement like that refers to ONE autistic child, not all. I have a house full of toys chosen very carefully, with thought to his learning style that are played with every day. The toys I used to buy him he did not play with until I was taught by him what works.

                Not all kids with autism express the behaviors in this article and although it is very sad to know some families are going through this it also needs to be known not all cases of autism are biting, head banging, and causing harm to themselves or others. It does happen but at the same time I see a lot of these articles and it creates fear. It creates a stereotype that autistic kids will cause harm to others and themselves and that is not always true. What I don’t see much of is articles about the kindness and gentleness of kid’s with autism. In fact most people probably would be taken back by that statement because the media can’t feed on it if there is no negativity attached. Autism causes meltdowns from a busy crazy world but in our home and many others, autism comes with love and care. My son is very affectionate and craves hugs along with playing gentle and being careful with others, very careful actually.

                How people chose to medicate is not my business and I respect each person’s choice but how autism is portrayed in society is my business. Autism is not always as this article describes it and often times it’s a busy world that causes some road blocks. Often times it’s a child who can’t speak so frustration comes. There are many kids with autism who are not hitting their head off of walls or biting their moms. There are also kids who cannot play Mozart at 3 years old or score 50 points in a basketball game. They are just kids who have been dealt a different hand in life and are learning to adjust to the world around them. The media doesn't talk about these kids becuase it's not to an extreme in one way or the other. Our society craves news that is extremely positive or extremely negative but there are so many kids who don't fall into a category of intense miracles or heartbreaking behaviors. Just kids with autism and you might pass one of these children on the street or in a store with a smile on thier face. You may not even know your getting smile from a child with autism.

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