Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Nasty Side of Autism...Hitting a Brick Wall.

               The nasty side of autism debate...and yes there is a nasty side that has nothing to do with the difference itself. It’s the debate at large that is a powerful force of anger, debate, and divides people from all corners of the world. People take aim at each other for cure, cause, and methods of treatment. It’s an endless attack on each other and can get pretty dang childish to the point of name calling and blasting each other over the internet for all to see.

                Here is the problem aside from the clear banter people are throwing back and forth at each other.  I personally loose all respect for people who are participating in this ridiculousness. I do understand it’s defending a loved one with a belief a person feels strongly about but there is still autism. Always has been and always will be.

                There are children in need of an education that suits autism and environments outside of home they can engage in without full on sensory overload. There are caregivers and educators in need of training and understanding. There are unaware people who could use some understanding of the difference. There are adults who have lived and are living with autism their whole life. Some of those adults didn’t even know they had a form of autism until they were an adult and faced some huge struggles in life trying to adjust for society. There are doctors who are trying to understand and therapists who are working to do the same.  There are parents who are caught in the middle of endless debate while trying to manage the difference at home.  They are desperately seeking advice and support from other parents. Keep in mind parents have to seek support from strangers they have never met and probably never will but I can see from support groups this is an outlet most are grateful for.

                Why are people seeking strangers for support? Because they can’t find it anywhere else. Why are autistic adults reaching out to help? Because they want to help the future of autism to be understood. I assume they have faced a lifetime of being misunderstood and want to ease life for others.

                The nasty side of autism is so negative there is no progress to be made. No matter what an opinion is or how much people banter back and forth adults and children still need resources to move forward with the difference. Argue about cause and cure until you are blue in the face but if your argument ever ends, autism is still waiting. Not waiting to hear how to be changed or what they could have been but waiting society to create options and acceptance. Waiting to read or hear the word autism and feel proud of the difference. Even if they are nonverbal they want to feel good about who they are and what life has given them. Autism should never be a negative word nor have such negative media attached to it. It should be respected as every difference on earth because we all have one, labeled or not.

                Positive interaction for a common cause…not negative interaction over something no one has an answer to. That is comparable to two people with two opinions running full speed into a brick wall. Both are going to get knocked right on their backside wondering why they couldn’t knock the wall down. Autism is standing on the other side and they didn’t even feel the impact.

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