Tuesday, January 29, 2013

If autism is a genetic mutation...how and why is that effecting so many people?

                I logged in this morning and looked for some new autism articles and I found the same old information that continues to repeat itself. Genetic mutations and another long list of possible triggers, which I feel like I have read a million times before. Then you have the articles about the safety of the vaccine schedule tossed in to add to the information piled up happening in your mind. That is when I decide even looking it up was a waste of time.

                Here is what is comes to mind each time I look up new autism articles. Ok, so we have genetic mutations but I have not read one time what may be causing such a drastic change in genetics across the world. Actually I don’t think I have even read a mention of why or how this is happening and that seems odd to me. People will say the diagnosis is easier now so the numbers have risen but if you take a good look at the numbers and how fast they have gone up that just doesn’t make sense. Twenty years ago autism was 1 in 10,000 and now we are at 1 in 54. A small amount of that could be related to more understanding but there is just no way that increase is simply because doctors are more aware of how to diagnose autism.

                Yesterday I drove by my kid’s school just before school was getting out. The Special needs buses line up first to pick up the kids and there were six buses in a school of around 600 kids. Six special needs buses? I don’t know about you but that seems like a very high number and no not all of those kids are autistic but regardless they are disabled in some form. I do not remember, and maybe my memory is distorted from being an unaware teenager, a special needs program being so large 20 years ago when I was in Junior high school. In fact I recall a very small number of disabled kids in my school. I can look around in society and see unhealthy people everywhere. Not just disabled but physically don’t look healthy. Lately I have noticed the elderly appear to be healthier then our younger generations. My 90 year old grandfather has a better glow than many of the young people I see and let me tell you his mind is healthier than the majority of the people in society as well.

                Yes I would say our genetics are changing, mutating, and whatever else science has claimed is happening but why are these genetics mutating? Why are families with no genetic history of autism or other disabilities having children or more than one child with a genetic disorder? If the odds of having a child with autism are 1 in 54 than the odds of me or dad having that genetic mutation as they call it seem to be incredibly high as well.

                Maybe I sat on my couch during pregnancy and the flame retardant that seeped into the air pulled the trigger. Maybe I got a fever during pregnancy and autism began. Maybe I got to close to the linoleum in my kitchen and autism hit. Or my favorite article of all time, Fat moms, a tasteless and clear view of how ignorant man can be in the title alone. We can put all of these causes and triggers that parents are blamed for in a pile that would be taller than Mount Kilimanjaro and still the science gods of our time cannot tell us why genetics are being altered….and element of the autism question is the one we should all be asking.


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