Friday, December 14, 2012

Extreme prayers for Connecticut.

                 I woke up to the sun shining through the windows and all hell breaking loose across the country.  Just a few days ago a shooting happened in an Oregon mall and innocent people were killed as well. I can’t imagine the terror and impact these things have on victims, if they are one who is able to walk away. We call this a shooting but what it really is an act of terrorism to our own by our own. Not created by a group of religious crazy people our government can track but random Americans we never see coming. To me that is so much more frightening to imagine. Not making light of global terrorism by any means but right here in our own homeland do we feel safe? Most people would say yes, but many people who are affected forever would say a very strong no.

                Most people feel safe getting on a plane these days but how many of us know and understand a random act of violence just leaving the house can be reality. How are these people stopped? Gun control is not the answer because gun control only works for law abiding citizens who aren’t planning to kill. We can instill gun control to the end of time but people who are killing with guns will not obey the laws. Do we arm someone in schools who is trained, trusted, and ready to stop this madness? One would say no way; my child can’t go to a school with an armed faculty member. Then again, if you woke up to this madness and it was your child’s school maybe you would have wanted someone there to stop this person by any means possible because it meant your child’s life.

                Then there is the mental health side of these shootings. What in the hell is happening to the minds of these people that create this desire in the first place? It’s hard to even write about this issue being a parent and maybe you dropped off your child this morning at school with a smile and a “have a great day” so you can actually feel a fraction of the pain these parents are feeling. Only a fraction because the real impact is something we can’t grasp unless it happens to us.

                Going to end this blog today by sending extreme prayer to the families, children, entire community that has been faced with the ultimate evil this morning. My heart aches for every person affected and that affect will last forever. Maybe this has happened far away from many of us but if you are human, this has to hit close to home.


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