Sunday, October 7, 2012

Deal with it...but explore all options first.

             For the past four days I have not been feeling my best and the part what was getting me down was the fact this happens every year like clockwork and sticks with me through the entire cold season. It’s infuriating to say the least and with three kids to keep up with I just can’t afford to go through this health battle all over again. Two years ago I ended up in two emergency rooms with no answers and in the end my dad and I figured out it had to be environmental. I began taking an allergy pill every day and that is year round. Shoved it off as a mold I was sensitive to and when you live where I do, there could be a number of them to blame.

Four days ago when I started feeling this way all over again and had to double my allergy pill intake, the thought of being ill for months all over again ripped apart my optimism that I pride myself so much on. Once that was weakened it seemed like every little thing was able to rush in and bring me down more. All of the stresses I have had that I have been able to keep at bay came flooding in and this little Miss Susie sunshine was walking around with a big black cloud over her head.

                At 2am I woke up with again a stuffy nose, swollen eyes, and complete frustration. I also had to go load the fireplace so the morning cold wouldn’t get us and it hit me. After 4 years of struggling through the winter feeling like death my wood stove gave me a big evil grin. It has to be the wood stove. Not the wood stove itself but the wood and process of burning it. The tree pollen and the molds that grow in it are in my arms every day and I am burning it, so it’s coming back into the home every time I open that dang stove up. I experience the allergy all year but it is at its worst beginning four days ago when I began to burn. Bottom line, I am allergic to trees. The irony in that being a girl who was born in raised in the northwest and now lives in a national forest is just amazing. Even more amazing is the time it has taken me to figure this out. Three doctors and two emergency rooms with no answers and all of sudden the answer hit me because the answer was sitting right in front of me the whole time. So that is that and it’s no longer a mystery and now I get to push through it once again. Totally unavoidable and nothing can be done to rid of this cold weather problem. Now that I have discovered the answer my attitude is nearly restored but it may take a couple of days to completely dig myself out of the misery hole I landed in.

                Life is funny this way. Things happen you can’t control and no matter how hard you try to figure it out the answer still may not bring relief. In this case I can’t even work around it because it’s a matter of keeping my family warm.

                Years ago I worked at a photography studio and this may seem off subject but it’s not. He lived in another town and I ran the studio when he couldn’t be there. If a problem came up all he would say to me was, “deal with it.” This completely frustrated me to no end and never left me feeling like I could deal with at all. Fifteen years later those three little words still jump up into my mind more than I ever thought they would. Sometimes it’s really all you can do.

                So today if you are faced with a challenge and you are struggling to find an answer, in the words of a wise man I once knew….Deal with it. I will add I think his photography studio was closed so it might be wise to pick and choose when and why you take this approach. Explore every other option first and once you have decided there just really is no answer that’s when it is safe to just….Deal with it.

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