Here it is if you haven't seen it yet, the famous letter a not so friendly neighbor wrote to a grandma who cares for her autistic grandson. I have thought a lot about this letter since it hit the online world and I think we need to get inside the mind of One Pissed Off Mother and take a really close look at what's truly ailing her.
Number one her greeting, "to the lady who lives at this address" she has not one clue who she is writing to, not one. Or if she does she doesn't know a first name therefor she knows nothing about how this person feels day in and day out. The greeting alone makes everything else she states meaningless. One pissed off mother has the time to get mad, throw some purple paper in the printer, and write a stranger a letter about her feelings. Clearly her feelings are top priority over "lady who lives at this address" and time is something she can waste. A privilege most people don't have or chose not to.
We move on to her noise complaint. I think she may have some sensory issues of her own because she seems to be much more affected by it than she should be. Might be a good idea for her to address her super hearing that cannot seem to turn down the world around her. Suburbia is not quiet or even close to it and for her own personal peace, she might want to consider a move to the country herself. A park to take the boy to and let him make noise is her recommendation so not to kick her sensory difference into high gear. A wonderful idea....if he was a dog. He is a boy who can't control his body but I bet he has more control in his mind than one pissed off mother does. Physically he struggles while her struggles seem mental. I think some fresh air and daily trips to the park would do her some good to regroup and protect the neighbors from her lack of self control.
The special needs parent comment, she seems to feel angry with people who she feels might be getting an extra dose of help, perhaps this is a cry for help of her own. Her desire to have a special needs parent cater to her overwhelmed and intolerant state of being is clearly a show that her silent children are very hard for her and she needs others to adjust. I think a special needs parent might be exactly the type of friend she needs to overcome this state of mind and to learn the world doesn't adjust for you no matter how badly you desire it.
Last but not least her suggestion to euthanize this young man might suggest she is a distant relative of Hitler and on top off all of her other struggles, sensory issues, to much time on her hands, lack of peace and serenity, in need of extra help in the parenting department, extreme focus on her own feelings, a communication handicap, and a anger management course or two, I think she might be a Nazi.
This letter seems to a cry for help but don't worry One Pissed Off Mother they are coming for you! Some advice from a special needs parent who chose to live in suburbia with my autistic son, it's going to get worse before it gets better but good people will reach out to you and help you if you ask. I think we all now know someone who could have helped you work through your intolerant state of mind. "The lady who lives at this address" has learned to tolerate and find peace in ways you might never understand. This ignorant purple mess of a letter is one irrelevant dose of just how much intolerance she deals with and the strength she has shown is to be commended and that goes way beyond words on a paper from the neighborhood Nazi.
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