Monday, March 31, 2014

CDC's position is that vaccines...

   By now most of us have been informed on the new numbers in regard to autism, a 30% increase in two years and this stirs up some questions or more of them. Some new questions and old questions which all bring no certain answers. My son will be five years old this year and hopefully able to enroll in the school district in the fall, although that's still to be determined. One of my many fears with beginning public school is of course of updated vaccine schedule. He will be due for another MMR and this is a touchy subject for most. I understand the importance of vaccines and I also understand why so many avoid it. I understand both sides of the argument but my own personal choice is to avoid until I am feel 100% satisfied my son's immune system can tolerate it. Problem is, the only way to find out is to do it and that is a risk I am not willing to take after working so hard to make progress.

  There is to much telling me my son's body will not tolerate another vaccine and I stand firm on that decision until someone can tell me beyond a doubt he will be just fine. Not data or online articles but my own child's immune system tolerance. No two are alike and that is 100% certain. In my quest to find faith in the CDC I simply asked them directly, which we all can do, and the answer was worth a share. Keep in mind, I knew I would not receive what I was asking for and I can only imagine the eye rolling on the other end but the first line of the CDC response I found interesting. Interesting because they state clearly, in regard to autism, we are perfectly safe. A bold statement that would have lead me to believe every child with autism is the same and considering something as simple as skipping a probiotic can aggravate my child's autism, I am still on my quest for faith in the CDC.

My question:  My son will be turning 5 this year and I am told due for an MMR. He received a large round of vaccines before turning 2 and in my opinion, suffered neurological damage(autism). This has not been proven or disproved. I want to protect my child from disease but I fear another vaccine will cause more harm to him. I understand the CDC research claims the vaccine is process safe and would ask you, how can you confirm my son will NOT suffer any complications from another MMR? Can you send me a statement taking responsibility for any autism related side effects, such as regression in general if we chose to move forward?  Autism is permanent and any complications could also be very permanent.
Thank you

CDC Answer:
Dear Jennifer:


I understand your concerns about your son receiving any product which may worsen his condition.  As you note, CDC’s position is that vaccines have no role in the cause or aggravation of autism, or autism spectrum disorders.


Detailed discussions about autism, vaccines, and other related concerns are here:



MMR vaccine can cause a variety of adverse events, including fever, rash, and much less commonly, severe allergic reactions, seizures associated with fever, a blood disorder called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, as well as possibly encephalitis, or brain inflammation.  The vast majority of children, particularly with the second dose of MMR vaccine, have no significant reactions at all.


You should discuss your concerns with your son’s doctor(s), and assess the benefits and risks for your son.  No one can offer a guarantee he will have no reaction to this vaccine, any other vaccine, or any medication for that matter.  All we can say is the risks are very small in general, but the decision to vaccinate should be made by the parent(s) and healthcare providers together.


CAPT Raymond A. Strikas, MD, MPH, FACP

U.S. Public Health Service

Education, Information, and Partnership Branch

Immunization Services Division

National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

1600 Clifton Road, N.E., MS A-19

Atlanta, GA  30333

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The beheading of a Teletubbie ruined our afternoon.

   The Ipad has made me a lazy mother and I admit that with shame but it is a fact. My older kids didn't have technology beyond a TV when they were little and I had to teach them verbally everything I wanted them to know. With the Ipad I can buy an app, check it out, hand it to my son and go make banana bread. Lazy mother is the only way to describe what that convenience has done to me and I know I am not the only one.

   The other day I got a taste of reality and what can happen when you put your faith in an app, an Ipad, and the convenience of stepping away to do other things. My sons favorite app and it's an award winning app with a common core educational goal. He loves it, I love it, and it's one of the only apps I actually spent a couple dollars a month on for him to continue progress with.
   Agnitus is the name of the app and in between lessons a child can access animated videos like a lot of apps offer. Fun stuff for a four year old until this comes into play. I hear the music and go see exactly what he has accessed and to my surprise he is watching a chainsaw beheading of a Teletubbie and I cannot even shut down the video going back to the app. I have to erase the app completely without regret of course and done quickly. I notice on YouTube this ridiculous video has received almost 200,000 views and I can only hope that is not due to kids ages 2 to 8 enjoying that fabulous app mom purchased so she could go make banana bread.


    I contact the app developer to ensure they understood what was happening with their app.  This was the response I received back from them.


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and we totally understand your concern.
The issue has already been addressed in our latest version i.e. 2.1.0

Please update the program's current version to the latest version on all the devices. The issue will not recur.
You can also hide the videos by following the below mentioned steps:

1. On the Parent Dashboard, go to Settings

2. Scroll down, under "Animation Videos", you will see "Show Animation Videos"

3. Tap it to "No"

Moreover, it will be helpful for us if you could please share the iOS version as well.
Thank you.

Agnitus Support Team

   Inconvenience was an odd choice of a way to describe this. To me an inconvenience is a frozen app, an app that won't load, charged to many times, or just an app that works poorly. I am not sure the hammer and fire ball to the crotch of a Teletubbie falls into an "inconvenience" category. At least it's doesn't for a 4 year old child but my favorite part of the response was asking me to share the iOS version as well because it would be helpful to them. Because marketing this app is a good idea? I did not update this app I also would highly recommend anyone who has it, to go in and access the animated videos to ensure brutal violence against Teletubbies is not part of your child's day. Now, back to a lot more alert and less lazy parenting.