Saturday, July 28, 2012

Long Term Effects Of Toxins Shouldn't Be Ignored...
Full of information you need to know...

What are you eating every day? You might think you know but we are consuming a huge amount of toxins every day and have for years.
I have never watched what I eat, blessed with a high metabolism and have basically treated my body like a garbage disposal, or chemical dumping ground, for years. I really never thought I had to pay much attention to what I was eating since weight was never a problem. Until I learned being thin had nothing to do with being healthy. Yes, I should have known this but as a society we tend to just assume thin is healthy and carry on.
I began researching food when autism came along. There is so much information about diet and allergies linked to autism I was of course worried I was feeding my son something everyday that was acting as an opiate on his brain, or flat out causing toxic effects on his little body.
What have I learned? The average consumer probably has no idea what they are really eating. Most of our "healthy" foods are treated with so many chemicals we are barely getting what our bodies need from it once it hits the market.
We read about all those chemicals in our food and once we hit the part that says it may cause some life altering illness in large quantities we stop worrying. In the average persons mind, that translates into, if I sit down and eat it over and over in one day maybe it will effect me, but as consumers we need to consider the long term effects of what he eat and drink.
My eating habits have completely changed and I feed my son only what I would feel good about eating. He is gluten free now and I am doing it with him, I also give him a daily probiotic and the these two changes have shown positive effects. Is he still autistic of course he is, but you could say some of the autistic side effects of eased.
My basic rule of eating now is, if I read the ingredients and I don't know what it is....I don't eat it. You would be surprised how many things you remove from your daily eating habits if you consume this way, and how much better you will feel.
The biggest obstacle with changing my eating habits has been flavor and convenience. Some of the foods were bland to me, and it's not nearly as convenient as the unhealthy options. That's when I hauled out the blender I really never had a use for. I used to skip breakfast all together but this morning it was a acai berry pulp, blueberry, banana, probiotic juice, spinach smoothie and I like the taste along with the effects. In fact I actually feel run down and tired if I skip this smoothie in the morning.
With the health crisis and mental health crisis happening in our country and no one trying to fix it, we need to be active in fixing it in our own lives. It's my opinion we protect the health of our genetics and our future generations if we take action now. My only wish is that I would have taken this action years ago in my life. Could it have prevented autism? I don't know and maybe not, but my advice would be to assume yes because there is no risk is to thinking that way. On the other hand if we assume what we consume is totally safe....the risks are endless.

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